Any concerns, please click HEREFind club checklists below: BATHAMPTON - SET UP BATHAMPTON - SET UP / SPRING 2022 Check by * Day * Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Breakfast / After school Breakfast After School Let's be safe * Don't just read, check. Staff signed in to reception club phone checked for messages staff phones stored away from access (kitchen or car) staff have walkie talkies all staff have read risk assessment and handbook EYFS KP and other roles assigned? children's records checked; allergies, care plans, concerns etc. do you know EXACTLY where this medication is? whereabout of medication identified first aid accessible / fully stocked tidy area for bags and water bottles prepared all areas tidy and checked for hazards toilets clean / stocked hand sanitiser available kitchen clean / sharps and chemicals checked cleaning products available healthy snack prepared. Lot's of fruit and veg. fire extinguisher/blanket in place fridge between 0°- 5° / Freezer -18° Any concerns Significant concerns and action points must be reported directly to manager Let's be awesome! Moments make memories. Your positivity will change lives! varied play area that considers unique child game faces on. It's showtime! finishing touches - be proud! ready to see and inspire awesomeness! You are a legend! BATHAMPTON - CLOSE DOWN BATHAMPTON - CLOSE - SPRING 2022 Check by * Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Breakfast / After School Breakfast After School Any concerns? Complete asap on tablet or visit to complete form. Gotcha! Before we go home * Check it, don't just tick.... concerns shared with team messages shared with parents child accidents / incidents recorded in Magic Booking all children signed out BY PARENTS LISTED walkies on charge if needed tablet on charge if needed lost property stored toilets checked all areas cleaned food stock checked for remainder of week visitors signed out and badges returned A more awesome tomorrow! Discuss .... what learning happened today (communication, physical, emotional)? how well have we catered for the 'unique child'? how can we develop play for a more awesome tomorrow? any shoutouts for your team? Keep being you, you’re super nice!